Friday, June 11, 2010

The desert is pretty hot. When you and I are hot we typically like to get a nice tall glass of ice tea or maybe take a dip in the pool. Miss Angel Dark, however, just likes to get naked. You and I should never be naked in public. Miss Angel Dark should always be naked in public. She should also be naked on The Beer Goggler. You must be very disappointed that she isn’t naked on The Beer Goggler. Of course, I am a Saint so I would never let you leave your cubicle for the weekend without first having had the oppertunity to take a nice long, hard look at a hot, naked girl with a body that will make you lick your chops over and over again and maybe even make you pull out your Horrible Inch right there at work. Have a good weekend. And say hi to your wife and three kids for me…



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